Digital Inspiration

En fouillant après divers artistes, vidéos, illustrations etc .., on finit toujours par dénicher tout un tas d’oeuvres à propos desquels il serait compliqué de faire un post par illustration dans le cas présent. Voici une sélection d’illustrations dégotées au travers de mes divers surfs de la semaine qui méritaient un petit clin d’oeil. Même si parmi les illustrations présentes, certains artistes ont déjà été blogué dans le coin. Enjoy.

Hora del juego by Salvador Ramirez Madriz
Hora del juego by Sam Nielson

Brownies by Sam Nielson
Brownies by Tiago Hoisel

Mr Burns by Tiago Hoisel
Mr Burns by Jean-Charles Velders

The Horse and the Donkey by Jean-Charles Velders
The Horse and the Donkey by Jason Chan

Blackwidow by Jason Chan
Blackwidow by Jason Chan

Kingkong Vs Troll by Kim Young Min
Kingkong Vs Troll by Kim Young Min

Gotcha You Stoopid Troll by Ramon Acedo
Gotcha You Stoopid Troll by Ramon Acedo

Book of Death by David Hong
Book of Death by Sam Nielson

Oz Never Did Give Nothing To the Tin Man by Sam Nielson
Oz Never Did Give Nothing To the Tin Man by Tiago Hoisel

It Was A Fierce Battle by Geoffrey Cramm
It Was A Fierce Battle by Geoffrey Cramm

Edmond vs Gwen by Gleydson Caetano
Edmond vs Gwen by Gleydson Caetano

Unstoppable by Raul Ovejero
Unstoppable by Raul Ovejero

Too Sweet by Natascha Roeoesli
Too Sweet by Natascha Roeoesli

Storytelling by Randis Albion
Storytelling by Randis Albion

Roman Charge by Glen Angus
Roman Charge by Glen Angus

Journey to the West by Dong Hawn
Journey to the West by Dong Hawn

I Mess Up Every Thing Around by Soheil Danesh
I Mess Up Every Thing Around by Soheil Danesh

Supplies for the Boys by Tobias Witek
Supplies for the Boys by Tobias Witek

Zombie Playground by Jason Chan
Zombie Playground by Jason Chan

Black Rogan by Michal Ivan
Black Rogan by Michal Ivan